

I’m not sure when/if I’ll be updating this blog. I am still posting my reviews and such on my blogger site so if you still want to read them and keep up with my books, please go there.

Poll Time

Here is the LINK to a survey that I created.

I’m hoping that you’ll join me (and my oldest daughter) in a group read this summer. This will be the first of no more than four surveys to narrow down the choices. I’ll leave the survey active until early Thursday (May 22) morning when I will create a new one with just the winners and put the link in a new post.

NOTE: You do not need to sign up after you fill in the survey. After you click submit it will bring you to the site that I created the survey on and it asks you to create an account. DO NOT create an account (unless you want to); it is not necessary to participate in my survey. Your answers will be recorded either way.

I’ve been putting off writing my review of The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory; I finished it last Thursday (May 8th). I think I was hoping that my opinion would improve. I’ve read a few of her other Tudor books (The Constant Princess, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Virgin’s Lover and The Queen’s Fool) and really enjoyed them all except The Virgin’s Lover.

It boiled down to the same issue with both of these books. Annoying , uninteresting main characters. The Boleyn Inheritance is written from 3 different points of view; Lady Jane Rochford (she is George Boleyn’s widow and gave evidence against him and his sister Anne), Katherine Howard and Anne of Cleves. Of the 3 women, I only found one of the interesting. I really liked Anne of Cleves; she seems to be the only one willing to have and acknowledge her own opinions and desires. Katherine was 15 when she married King Henry VIII and sounds like every other self-absorbed, whiny teenager. Jane does what she’s told and there is something else about her that just rubs me the wrong way… I can’t put my finger on it though.

On a completely unrelated subject. I have NKOTB fever. I have been playing their new single “Summertime” over and over on my MySpace page. I saw them almost 19 years ago (speaking of whiny teenagers) and I’m excited that they have gotten back together. I wish I could see them in concert, but I doubt that will happen… I still love Danny, used to hate Donnie, now he’s my favorite… go figure.

Currently Reading:

Weekly Geek #3

Weekly Geek #3 is fond memories of childhood books. When I read about this weeks geek one book came immediately to mind; “The Lucky Puppy“. I don’t remember NOT having this book. It’s probably the book that my mom used to teach me how to read. I still have the book. My 14 year old read it when she was little. I’ve read it to my 2 year old. I really don’t know if there is anything special about the story in particular, but it was my favorite as a child and I still enjoy it.

Here is MINE, complete with ancient orange crayon.

Book News

I received a message from Suzanne Kopoulos last night.

I got some good news yesterday. Little Miss Smarty-Pants was a finalist in the 2008 National Indie Excellence Awards – humor category. Woo-hoo!!!!

Big congrats to her!

My fellow PBSer (paperbackswap.com) Lori is having a contest. She is hosting a giveaway. The books (brand new) being offered are:

If I win one I will be offering it (slightly used) to one of you lucky reader to win.

This is week #2 but I just discovered this ‘game’. This weeks challenge basically boils down to: If you have a blog and review (or have already reviewed) a book that I have also reviewed, send me an e-mail (kylee.books@gmail.com) with the book and your link and I will add it to my review from now on.

I hope I got that all right. For convenience, click here to go directly to all of my posts tagged as reviews. You may need to click on “Older Posts” to see them all.